And Amado

scientist | developer

Web development

Portuguese Primatological Association website

In this project, I implemented a website for Portuguese Primatological Association. The website has three main goals:

  • a simple set of pages presenting the association and its work
  • a members management system (with a backoffice for internal use)
  • a conference page that provides information about the conference and manages participants and abstract submissions (including a payment system for the registration and a backoffice for the organizers to manage and contact participants, accept/reject abstracts...)

I implemented the server in Flask 3.0, using fluent for i18n support. The html uses bootstrap 5.3. The JS is vanilla, except for Sortable.js library to manage the drag and drop features.

APP website

Portuguese Primatological Association website.

Carlos Amado portfolio webpage

This project consists of a personal webpage to display Carlos Amado portfolio and CV. The website contain a series of pages that display information on the diverse aspects of Carlos Amado career, including descriptions and multimedia presenting the work. A backoffice allows the content to be updated by the user themselve, without requiring changes in the code

It is build in React, using the Next.js platform. Tailwind implements the design, complemented by a few customized shadcn/ui components.

Carlos Amado portfolio website

Carlos Amado portfolio website.



I developed STUN while working at the University of Bern in collaboration with Li Juan orcid logo and Claudia Bank orcid logo. I was responsible for the implementation, which I did in the lovely Rust language. It consists of free software that researchers can use to simulate the adaptation of recombining populations to arbitrary fitness landscapes. It resulted in a publication in Bioinformatics Advances and comes complete with a detailed user manual and code documentation. You can find the project here.

Sample Rust code.


Diverse scientific projects

I've been developing scientific software since my bachelor in 2005, at first as a student and for fun, later professionally.