And Amado

scientist | developer

Professional experience

Postdoctoral researcher

02/2021 - 03/2023

University of Bern (Theoretical Ecology and Evolution)

Modeled biological systems; analyzed experimental data; supervised junior researchers; developed computational tools for modeling.

Main skills Python Rust LaTeX data analysis model development software development model fitting biology evolution theory scientific writing collaboration skills MacOS

Postdoctoral researcher

05/2019 - 01/2021

Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (Evolutionary Dynamics lab)

Modeled biological systems; analyzed experimental data; supervised junior researchers; developed computational tools for modeling.

Main skills Python Rust Wolfram Mathematica LaTeX data analysis model fitting model development software development biology evolution theory scientific writing collaboration skills MacOS

Postdoctoral researcher

04/2018 - 03/2019

Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (Physics Department/Laboratório de Física Teórica e Computacional)

Modeled biological systems; developed computational tools for modeling; taught physics courses to engineering students.

Main skills Python C++ Wolfram Mathematica LaTeX data analysis model fitting model development software development evolution theory physics scientific writing collaboration skills Linux

Research fellow

04/2011 - 10/2011

Instituto Superior Técnico (Centro de Física Teórica de Partículas)

Developed a CUDA C++ code for high-energy physics simulations.

Main skills C++ CUDA C++ software development high-performance computing physics Linux


01/2008 - 09/2008

Instituto Superior Técnico

Maintained a Java application to access remote controlled scientific experiments.

Main skills Java software development Linux


Ph.D. in Physics (thesis)


Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Main skills mathematics statistics physics evolution theory model development software development Python C++ LaTeX Wolfram Mathematica scientific writing collaboration skills Linux

M.Sc. in Engineering Physics (thesis)


Instituto Superior Técnico

Main skills mathematics statistics physics software development C++ LaTeX Wolfram Mathematica scientific writing collaboration skills Linux

Online courses (6)

React Basics



SQL for Data Science


Coursera/University of California, Davis

Django 4 and Python Full-Stack Developer Masterclass



Research Integrity: Concise (core course)


Epigeum Online Course System, Oxford University Press

Programming Languages


Coursera/University of Washington

Heterogeneous Parallel Programming


Coursera/University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign